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Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

At kode bevægelse

Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

At bruge tekst og kode sceneskift

Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

At kode tastaturet

Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

Tænd og sluk knapper

Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

At bruge flere kameraer

Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

At bruge stier til bevægelse

Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

Quizzer i CoSpaces

Vejledninger fra Teksperimentet

CoSpaces for begyndere

CoSpaces for begyndere

I dette blogindlæg lærer du trin for trin at lave dit første Cospaceprojekt. Se eksemplet og videoerne og gør det selv. God fornøjelse.

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Cospaces – Julekalender

Cospaces – Julekalender

Årets julekalenderskabelon Her ser du en præsentation af den færdige julekalenderskabelon, som du kan kopiere og gøre til din egen.

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Merge Cube – Pokemonball

Merge Cube – Pokemonball

I dette blogindlæg lærer du trin for trin hvordan du kan lave et projekt til MERGE Cuben. Se eksemplet og videoerne og gør det selv. God fornøjelse.

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Storytelling med CoSpaces

Storytelling med CoSpaces

I dette blogindlæg lærer du trin for trin at bruge Cospaces til Storytelling. Se eksemplet og videoerne og gør det selv. God fornøjelse.

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Klik på banneret for at besøge Cospaces Youtubekanal, som er spækket med trin for trin vejledninger

Storytelling med CoSpaces Edu

Discover one of the key applications of CoSpaces Edu: Storytelling Build your own virtual worlds and give life to any story using the numerous creation tools available in CoSpaces Edu!

360° Tours - CoSpaces Edu

Create your virtual tour with your own 360° images, make it interactive, and dive in with a VR headset!

Virtual Exhibitions - CoSpaces Edu

Imagine and design your own exhibitions with any virtual content and as much information you want to show!

Games - CoSpaces Edu

Design and program your own game using CoBlocks, a visual coding language ideal for beginners!

Simulations - CoSpaces Edu

Invent and code any simulations using the built-in Physics engine and CoBlocks, a visual coding language ideal for beginners!

Getting Started with CoSpaces Edu

This introductory video tutorial guides teachers through their first use of CoSpaces Edu.

Creating with CoSpaces Edu - Beginner tutorial

This tutorial introduces the key tools and techniques to create virtual worlds using CoSpaces Edu!

Exploring with CoSpaces Edu - Beginner tutorial

This tutorial introduces the many ways you can explore your virtual creations with CoSpaces Edu!

The CoSpaces Edu MERGE Cube add-on

Discover how to use the MERGE Cube add-on for CoSpaces Edu!

CoBlocks - The Basics for Beginners

This coding tutorial guides you through the basics of coding with CoBlocks, the visual block-based programming language in CoSpaces Edu.

CoBlocks - Working with variables

This tutorial teaches how to work with variables in CoBlocks, the visual block-based coding language in CoSpaces Edu!

CoBlocks - Using Lists

This coding tutorial shows how to use lists with CoBlocks, the visual block-based programming language in CoSpaces Edu.

CoBlocks - Using Functions

This coding tutorial teaches how to use functions with CoBlocks, the visual block-based programming language in CoSpaces Edu.

CoSpaces Edu - The path item

This tutorial shows how to use the path item in CoSpaces Edu to easily make objects move in your scene and add motion to your creations!

CoSpaces Edu Gallery tutorial - How to publish

Learn how to publish your own spaces to the CoSpaces Edu Gallery!

How to create group assignments in CoSpaces Edu

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to create group assignments in CoSpaces Edu, letting students collaborate within the same virtual space.

How to attach & animate objects in CoSpaces Edu

Learn how you can use the attach feature to bring characters to life and animate them in CoSpaces Edu!

Introducing the hierarchy tree

Get started with the hierarchy tree and control or edit the objects in your space with ease!

Class management in CoSpaces Edu

Discover the class management features available to teachers in CoSpaces Edu with this tutorial!